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My name is Sara! I am a Sport Management Major with minors in: Law, Justice Social Change; Writing; and Classical Civilizations. I will be attending George Washington Law School in the fall.

I wanted to write this project to reflect all of the different aspects of my college experience and this was born. You will learn a lot about me through this work and hope you come away from this with a better understanding of how I perceive the world. 


While I'm not in school, I love reading, especially young adult fiction published in the early 2000s. I love watching Dungeons and Dragons actual plays and have since I was 14. I have put over 2300+ hours in the Sims 4 since its release. I attended Steven Hawking's memorial service in Westminster Abbey. I can't whistle. I accidentally acquired a British accent as a kid. I contain multitudes. 


If you want a better view of who I am professionally, view it here.  

    Made in 2024

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